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165 major rivers, rest minor ones. Some are not even counted. The counted ones are also in thousands, but major ones out of thousands are only 165.

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164 major rivers

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Q: How many rivers are in the world?
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How many rivers are there?

there are 105 rivers in the world and those are the major rivers

How many rivers are in this world?

165 major rivers, 1 minor river.

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What do crocodiles have to change to live in rivers?

Not a thing. They are native to many tropical rivers around the world.

What rivers affect ancient wars?

There were thousands of wars all over the world in antiquity. Ancient wars were fought near many rivers in many parts of the world.

How much rivers are in the world?

I don't know how much rivers in world I wish my grammar good... I'm not sure how many rivers there are in the world. Considering the landmass we have, I reckon it's in the thousands, but that's just an estimation...

How many big rivers are in the world?

There are thousands of rivers on Earth. It is difficult to say exactly how many as some dry up and emerge on a regular basis.

How many rivers are polluted in the world?

There are 164 major rivers, but some aren't even counted so no one knows the full total. sem semere

How many the greatest world's cities are close to rivers?

Most of them.

How many miles of rivers in the world?

impossible to know lol x)

Are there any rivers if so what are they called?

There are many rivers in the world, but Wiki can not name all of them. If you would like to know the name of a river in one place/area of the world that answer can be given.