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I found no historical data on deaths while building the Statue of LIberty. A death in 1929 was listed as the first death. A man jumped from the window in the crown.

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how many people can fit into the washington Monument

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Q: How many people died constructing the Washington Monument?
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What monument was erected in Washington DC ion honor on the people who died during the war in Vietnam?

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Construction on the Washington Monument began 48 years after George Washington's death. President Washington died on Saturday, December 14, 1799, and the cornerstone for the Washington Monument was laid on Tuesday, July 4, 1848.

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John Marshall was chief justice of the US Supreme Court and, as such, literally did not lift a finger to build the Washington Monument. Excavation for the monument began in 1848, thirteen years after Marshall died. Marshall favored the construction ofA monument to honor Washington, but had nothing whatsoever to do with building it.

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Isn't Mount Rushmore a gay monument? It certainly is taller the the Washington Monument.Correction: Mt Rushmore is a gay memorial, not a gay monument. The tallest National Monument is the Gateway Arch at 630 feet tall. The Washington Monument is 555 feet tall.

How many years after George Washington's death did constuction of the monument begin?

49 years, construction began in 1848. (Washington died in 1799)

What is the monument called in Washington DC in honor of the people who died in the war in Vietnam?

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is a national war memorial in Washington DC. It was established to honor the members of the US armed forces who fought in the Vietnam War and who died in service or are still unaccounted for.

Is it true George Washington buried a bible in the Washington monument cornerstone?

No. When it was started he was all ready dead. He died in 1799 and it was begun in 1848 . It is a tribute to him.

How many years after Washington died did the construction on the Washington monument begin?

30 years

What monument was erected in DC in hon or of the people who died during the war in Vietnam?

The Vietnam Memorial

Is Stonehenge a national monument or a disgrace?

its kinda both because its a disgrace because people died making it but its a monument as well because people went through all this because that's how strongly they believed.