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In the United States, most people educated up to High School graduation or less, believe in creation in preference to evolution. In the rest of the Western world, the overwhelming majority of all people believe in the Theory of Evolution.

In 1996, the National Science Board put the question, "Believe that humans as we know them today evolved from earlier species of animals" as part of a survey of Science and Engineering Indicators for the United States. The proportions of people who replied 'Yes', by education level:

  • Graduate/professional over 70%
  • Baccalaureate about 60%
  • H.S. graduate about 41%
  • Less than H.S. about 29%

The Data360 organisation provides more recent statistics for the population as a whole, in the United States and selected other countries, who believe in evolution:

USA ........ 39.7%

Britain .... 73.4%

France ... 79.5%

Denmark 82.2%

Summary">SummaryIn the United States, most adults who completed their education in High School believe in special creation. Most Americans educated beyond High School believe in evolution, as do most adults in other Western countries.
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9y ago

Most religious people believe that the world was created by a deity. So most Christians can be expected to believe that God created the world, although not all believe in a single act of "Special Creation" more or less as described in The Bible. The proportion of people in the Western world who believe there is a God varies from around 32 per cent (Norway) to around 90 per cent (United States).

While it is possible to believe in creation and also accept the reality of evolution, it can be assumed that the majority of educated people who do not accept the Theory of Evolution believe in a form of "Special Creation" such as that described in the Bible. The great majority of people in Europe, Australia and New Zealand accept the Theory of Evolution. A recent poll in Canada shows 59 per cent believe in evolution, 22 per cent disagree and 19 per cent are unsure. So, even in Canada, no more than 22 per cent actually believe in "Special Creation".

There is a great deal of dispute about the relative proportions in the United States, but somewhere around half the adult population accepts the Theory of Evolution.

The majority of Muslims do not believe in the Theory of Evolution and would believe in "Special Creation".

The growing number of atheists in the world do not believe in creation by a deity.

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9y ago

Most religious people believe that the world was created by a deity. So most Christians can be expected to believe that God created the world, although not all believe in a single act of "Special Creation" more or less as described in the Bible. The proportion of people in the Western world who believe there is a God varies from around 32 per cent (Norway) to around 90 per cent (United States).
While it is possible to believe in creation and also accept the reality of evolution, it can be assumed that the majority of educated people who do not accept the Theory of Evolution believe in a form of "Special Creation" such as that described in the Bible. The great majority of people in Europe, Australia and New Zealand accept the Theory of Evolution. A recent poll in Canada shows 59 per cent believe in evolution, 22 per cent disagree and 19 per cent are unsure. So, even in Canada, no more than 22 per cent actually believe in "Special Creation". There is a great deal of dispute about the relative proportions in the United States, but somewhere around half the adult population accepts the Theory of Evolution. The majority of Muslims do not believe in the Theory of Evolution and would believe in "Special Creation". The growing number of atheists in the world do not believe in creation by a deity. For more information, please visit:

Most religious people believe that the world was created by a deity. So most Christians can be expected to believe that God created the world, although not all believe in a single act of "Special Creation" more or less as described in the Bible.

The proportion of people in the Western world who believe there is a God varies from around 32 per cent (Norway) to almost 90 per cent (United States). While it is possible to believe in creation and also accept the reality of evolution, it can be assumed that the majority of educated people who do not accept the Theory of Evolution believe in a form of "Special Creation" such as that described in the Bible.

The great majority of people in Europe, Australia and New Zealand accept the Theory of Evolution. A recent poll in Canada shows 59 per cent believe in evolution, 22 per cent disagree and 19 per cent are unsure. So, even in Canada, no more than 22 per cent actually believe in "Special Creation". There is a great deal of dispute about the relative proportions in the United States, but somewhere around half the adult population accepts the Theory of Evolution. The majority of Muslims do not believe in the Theory of Evolution and would believe in "Special Creation". The growing number of atheists in the world do not believe in creation by a deity.

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