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it was estimated that 30,000 men were working on the canal at any one time

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Q: How many men did it take to build the Suez Canal?
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How did President Dwight Einsenhower respond to the Suez Canal crisis after Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalized the Suez canal?

Einsenhower refused to support his western allies attempts to take the canal.

How long did it take to contruct the Suez canal?

About ten and a half years.

How many years did it take the U.S. to build the canal?

10 years

How many years did it take the United states to build the canal?

10 Years

How have the Suez canal and the panama canal reduced travel time?

The Suez Canal (map), located in Egypt, is a 101 mile (163 km) long canal that connects the Mediterranean Sea with the Gulf of Suez, a northern branch of the Red Sea. It officially opened in November 1869.Suez Canal Construction HistoryAlthough the Suez Canal wasn't officially completed until 1869, there is a long history of interest in connecting both the Nile River in Egypt and the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea. It is believed that the first canal in the area was constructed between the Nile River delta and the Red Sea in the 13th Century During the 1,000 years following its construction, the original canal was neglected and its use finally stopped in the 8th Century. The first modern attempts to build a canal came in the late 1700s when Napoleon Bonaparte conducted an expedition to Egypt. He believed that building a French controlled canal on the Isthmus of Suez would cause trade problems for the British as they would either have to pay dues to France or continue sending goods over land or around the southern part of Africa. Studies for Napoleon's canal plan began in 1799 but a miscalculation in measurement showed the sea levels between the Mediterranean and the Red Seas as being too different for a canal to be feasible and construction immediately stopped.The next attempt to build a canal in the area occurred in the mid-1800s when a French diplomat and engineer, Ferdinand Lesseps, convinced the Egyptian viceroy Said Pasha to support the building of a canal. In 1858, the Universal Suez Ship Canal Company was formed and given the right to begin construction of the canal and operate it for 99 years, after which time, the Egyptian government would take over control of the canal. At its founding, the Universal Suez Ship Canal Company was owned by French and Egyptian interests.Construction of the Suez Canal officially began on April 25, 1859. It opened ten years later on November 17, 1869 at a cost of $100 million

Is the suez canal longer than the Panama Canal?

In one respect, the Atlantic opening is farther west than the Pacific opening. While transferring through the Panama Canal, one rises in elevation somewhat higher before returning to sea level, than one does through the Suez Canal. Another significant difference is the length. The Suez Canal is around 190km in length, whilst the Panama Canal is about 80 km long.

Why did gamal abdel nasser take over the suez canal?

He did it because he needed the Revenue, but more importantly because he wanted to assert Egyptian sovereignty over all areas of Egypt and reject Western Influences.

How many people did it take to build Erie canal?

Construction of the Erie Canal began in Rome, New York. At one time or another there were around 50,000 people who worked on the canal.

What happened to make Great Britain become interested in Egypt?

For a variety of reasons but they can be categorised mainly into Economic and Strategic. In terms of economic reasons it is because Britain had lots of shares in the Suez Canal meaning that they wished to protect these. Gladstone (the prime-minister at the time) even had shares in the canal himself. In terms of strategic the Suez Canal was a really useful trade route to India am so Britain was keen to protect it. Also at one point Russia was trying to take control over Constantinople (which could have prevented the use of the Suez Canal for Britain) do they felt pressured to take control of it. There was also a (egyptian) nationalist uprising led by Pasha Arabi and Britain felt that he may attack the Suez Canal. I hope this helps, sorry I couldn't be more detailed but this is fom memory.

How many people has been to the Panama Canal Who was the first person on the Panama Canal how many people did it take to build the Panama Canal?

7000 people idk and lots of people there is a crowded population in panama city and colon

Why does a ship take 13 hours to cross the Suez canal?

Normally, ships or vessels are gathered as a group before they are allowed to cross the Suez Canal. It only means that it takes couple of days for ships to finish crossing the entire canal. In some instances, it may take 4 to 5 days since each ship must maintain an average speed in accordance to their convoy.

How did Britain justify its military intervention in Egypt and take over the Suez canal?

claiming it wanted to protect European investments and loans.