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it depends what kind of dogs

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Q: How many dogs will need to stand on each other to reach the top of the statue of liberty?
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What stand on liberty island?

The Statue of Libertythe statue of libertyThe statue of Liberty

Where on the Statue of Liberty do you stand?

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Does the Statue of Liberty stand on Liberty Island?


What island does the statue stand?

The Statue of Liberty is on Liberty Island which was once Bedloe's Island.

Where does the Statue of Liberty stand in?

NY harbor on Liberty Island

Does the Statue of Liberty stand in water?

No it stands on Liberty Island.

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Liberty Island

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It stands For Freedom and i have no clue bout the other one

In New York harbor what island does the Statue of Liberty stand?

Liberty Island

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The Statue of liberty is An island off of New York City

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The Statue of Liberty's right arm and torch stood in Manhattan's Madison Square for about ten years prior to the dedication of the Statue on Liberty Island. (see: