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Q: How many battles did the Terracotta Army win?
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To fight and win battles.

What wars did the Confederate Army win?

None, the Confederate Army lost the war, though they won many battles in the early part of the war.

Did the Continental Army win or did the british army win?

In the American Revolutionary War, the Continental Army won the war, even though they lost several battles.

How many battles did the army of northern Virginia win?

A better question would be 'How many battles were fought in the North?' - because there was only one. That was Gettysburg. All the others were fought in the South.

What kind of tactics did General Robert E. Lee used to win so many battles?

Lee was a master of defense, and was very bold and audacious on the attack, splitting his army in the face of a stronger foe to win several battles.

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They were able to win the battles because the had a greater knowledge of the land around them.

How did Americans win several battles in the Mexican-American?

they made use of a large army

What battles did the British win?

When?? Britain has been involved in many battles.

How many battles do you need to win to get your blue belt?

You don't need to win them but in Kyokushin Karate you have to do 3 battles.

How many battles do you have to win to battle palmer in dp?

if i not mistaken, i think you have to win 21 battles to battle palmer

How long do corpsman stay in the army?

As long as they want but the more battles you win the more you get paid.

How did the Americans win the several battles in the Mexican-American war?

they made use of a large army