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There are no baboons living on Gibralter. However, there are 230 Barbary Macaques that live wild on the Rock

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They're called Barbary apes.

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Q: How many baboons live on the rock of Gibraltar?
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What is the only place in Europe where wild monkeys live?

gibraltar Gibraltar has no monkeys they are primates!!!!!!

What part of Europe does a barbary macaque live in?

I think it's Gibraltar there are lots of them on the Gibraltar rock :D i hope this helps :)

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Rock of Gibraltar was created in 1993.

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The capital of Gibraltar is also Gibraltar

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The rock that guards the Mediterranean is the rock of Gibraltar. It has been a symbol of British Naval strength since the 18th century.

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Gibraltar.At least two, depending on how you define 'rock'. Gibraltar is often called 'The Rock'. Britain also owns Rockall, way out in the North Atlantic, and, of course, many rock stacks along the coasts, the best known of which is probably the Old Man Of Hoy.Gibraltar :DNote that Rockall (note spelling) and all the stacks are in the ATLANTIC, hundreds of miles from the Mediterranean. Gibraltar is the rock in the Mediterranean owned by the UK.

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Gibraltar is the only place in Europe where wild monkeys, specifically Barbary macaques, live. These monkeys roam freely in the rock of Gibraltar and are a popular tourist attraction in the area.

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The Rock of Gibraltar is in the Northern hemisphere.

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The Rock of Gibraltar is made of limestone.

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Rock of Gibraltar