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Q: How long is the US Russian maritime border through the Bering Sea?
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What is the name of the strait that separate Russia and Alaska?

Alaska has a maritime border with Russia to the west across the Bering Strait.

What countries does Alaska border?

It borders Canada, but is a short way from Russia, you would just need to cross the Bering Strait

What physical features form the eastern Russian border?

The Bering Sea, the Sea of Okhotsk, the Sea of Japan, and the Pacific Ocean.

What country shares a border with Alaska?

Canada and there is a maritime border with Russia.

What 2 countries is the Bering sea between?

The US and Russia border the Bering Sea.

Alaska's border is closer to which country?

Canada. Its border with Russia is a maritime border.

What colony was next to Rhode Island?

Massachusetts, Connecticut and a maritime border with New York.

What is surrounding Alaska?

Alaska is surrounded by water and Canada. The Canadian province of British Columbia and Canada's Yukon Territory border Alaska to the east. Alaska has a maritime border with Russia to the west across the Bering Strait. To the north is the southern part of the Arctic Ocean. The Pacific Ocean lies to the south and southwest.

What continent does bering sea border?

The Bering Sea borders both Asia and North America.

Other than Canada the Alaskan border is closest to what other country?

Apart from Canada, Alaska is closest to the Russian Federation which lies to the west of Alaska across the Bering Strait.

Where is Russia border Iran?

Yes. · Alaska and Russia share a border. The U.S.-Russian maritime boundary zigzags down the Bering Strait between the Asian and American land masses. · Alaska and Russia are less than 3 miles apart at their closest point in the Bering Strait where two islands, Russia's Big Diomede Island and Alaska's Little Diomede Island, are located. In winter it is possible to walk across the frozen Bering Strait border between these two islands. At its closest, the American mainland and the Russian mainland are 55 miles apart where Alaska's Seward Peninsula and Russia's Chukotka Peninsula reach out to each other.

What body of water is west of Alaska?

The Pacific Ocean Thr Bering Straits & The Arctic Ocean all border Alaska