124years or go to solarsystem.com or naver.com or naughty.net
there is no such thing as a high tide in ruby. actully there is since when u go to the shoal cave u either see a pool of water or just some ground. how long it takes to change im trying to find out 4 my self
Because of the earth, moon, and sun rotating and causing the gravitational force to pull the water towards the moon.
Half an hour before the high tide check a tide time table online of your area that works for me
You go to Mossdeep City, and go north (up). There you need HM3 Surf, then surf upwards until you find a cave. Go inside, if its low tide, you can find one, if its high tide then you'll have to wait. Hope I helped.
You have to go to the Shoal Cave and get four Shoal salt, and four Shoal Shells. To get Shoal Shells go when there is high tide from 9am-3pm, and 3am-9am. To get shoal salt go when there is low tide from 3pm-9pm, and 9pm-3am.
A tide. A tide can force you back if you go in the opposite way of it, you can swim if you go with the tide.
Go on google maps and click directions or something like that from High River to Perryvale. It will tell you long it will take to get there in Miles and Kilometers. fart face
Because the moon's gravity can cause the tide to go up and down
They used tide. Tide-to-go was not yet invented.
the greatest tide is when you go some where in the middle of the where the tides start
Go inside Shoal Cave when your in there you should notice the cave is either full of water or it's really dry. When it's dry it's low tide season, when it's full of water it's high tide seaon.