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For the ceiling, just a bit over 4 years. That was the time from start to finish. But during that time Michelangelo was absent for at least two long periods. Then came the "Last Judgement", which took 6 years.

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Baby DuBuque

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2y ago
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14y ago

four years
It took over 4 years but not a lot of people now exactly how much over 4 years it was.

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14y ago

It took him 4 long backbreaking years of work on scaffolding he had made himself.

Michelangelo signed the contract to paint the ceiling in April of 1508. In May the removal of the previous work of art (blue sky with golden stars) began and lasted into the summer months. Due to the heat, Michelangelo finally put brush to "canvas" more than likely in late September of the same year. He finally let Pope Julius II use the Chapel on November 1, 1512 painting the last panel only the day before. The artist worked STANDING UP 8 hours a day, 6 days a week all those 4 years taking a six month break finally after 28 months of work!

It took Michelangelo 4 years to paint the ceiling and 6 years to paint the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel.

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15y ago

For the ceiling, just a bit over 4 years. That was the time from start to finish. But during that time Michelangelo was absent for at least two long periods. Then came the "Last Judgement", which took 6 years.

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14y ago

No time at all because he did not.

Michael Angelo painted the Sistine chapel and it took him just over four years from July 1508 to October 1512.

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13y ago

It took him 4 years for the ceiling and 6 years for the altar.

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14y ago

Michelangelo worked on the ceiling fresco in 1508-1512.

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8y ago

It took Michelangelo four years, although he was not working on it all the time.

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4y ago

How long did it take Michelangelo to paint the Sistine chapel

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Three years

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Q: How long did it take him to paint the Sistine Chapel?
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How long did it take michelangelo when he painted the Sistine Chapel?

6 years

How many years did it take to finish the Sistine Chapel?

It took Michelangelo 4 years to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. He painted it between 1508 and 1512. Then it took him 6 years to paint the Last Judgement, which is a fresco on the wall of the altar of the Sistine Chapel. Painted between 1535-1541.

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He did not actually build the Sistine Chapel, he only painted the ceiling. He was forced to paint it by the nobles, king, and some middle class people of the time. He was very reluctant to take on such a challenge, but he did complete it, allegedly blind in the end.

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The Sistine Chapel! OK?!Michelangelo started painting the ceiling in1508 and finished it in 1512. He was away from this work some time.Michelangelo then painted the altar wall of the chapel between 1535 and 1541.

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How long did it take to paint the cistine chapel?

*Sistine ;) It took 4 years. 1508-1512

How long did it take Michelangelo to paint the ceiling to the Sistine chapel?

4 years. He stopped and started on it and often redid what he all ready had done. It was 70 feet from floor to ceiling and he had to erect scaffolding to reach the ceiling and laid on his back painting. I have seen the ceiling 3 times and since it was cleaned the figures look like they are moving. The Vatican has a web site for the ceiling so go there to see it.