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Q: How is the yellow cedar explioted?
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What are the name of 5 softwoods?

White Pine, Yellow Pine, Douglas Fir, Red Cedar, Yellow Cedar.

Which Punk Band had a following called The Barmy Army?

the explioted

What does explioted mean?

A material that will explode, blow up, such as dynamite.

What is the national flower of the virgin island?

Yellow Cedar

Which woods are softwood?

Cedar, Western Red · Cedar, Yellow · Fir, Douglas · Fir, Silver · Larch · Pine · Redwood, European

What birds in Illinois have a yellow stripe at the tip of their tail?

It may be a Cedar Waxwing.

What are the types of softwood?

yellow pine, Parana pine, hemlock, redwood, spruce, cedar.

What kink of small bird has yellow stripe of tail and black mask on head?

cedar waxwing

What happened when a 10 foot cedar in norhern Ontario suddenly turns yellow inside?

It hit puberty...

What rhymes with seeder?

1 syllable:bleeder, pleader, weeder2 syllables:breeder, cedar, ceder, eader, feeder, grieder, kedar, leader, leeder, lieder, meader, meador, meder, meeder, neider, nieder, reader, reeder, reider, rieder, schreder, schweder, seader, sheeder, speeder, treder, veeder, wieder3 syllables:birdfeeder, floor leader, ground cedar, lay reader, lip reader, loss leader, mind reader, red cedar, snake feeder, stock breeder, strike leader, true cedar, white cedar4 syllables:atlas cedar, business leader, canoe cedar, civic leader, civil leader, coast white cedar, incense cedar, japan cedar, labor leader, lawson's cedar, pencil cedar, spanish cedar, stinking cedar, yellow cedar5 syllables:alaska cedar, bermuda cedar, chilean cedar, civil rights leader, eastern red cedar, japanese cedar, national leader, northern white cedar, oregon cedar, philippine cedar, port orford cedar, religious leader, southern red cedar, southern white cedar, western red cedar6 syllables:atlantic white cedar, east african cedar, himalayan cedar, majority leader, military leader, minority leader, political leader, spiritual leader

What is British Columbia's provincial tree?

The Western Red Cedar is the official tree representing British Columbia.

Did the kwakiutl Indians on the northwest coast use masks?

Kwakiutl mask are from the northern part of Vancouver Island in BC Canada and are made for the most part from Red Cedar. Also used but not as much for masks is Yellow Cedar and Alder.