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The National Park Service is in charge of security at the

Statute of Liberty

. It screens visitors with the same kind of

metal detectors

used at airports, and provides guards on the island. so that no one can damage the historical monument

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By the National Park Service along with the National Park Police

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It is made of copper which doesn't rust

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Q: How is the Statue of Liberty being protected?
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Is there threats to the Statue of Liberty?

The statue of liberty is being protected by the U.S government

Why is the Statue of Liberty being protected?

The Statue of Liberty as significant meaning to the Unites States. It is a sign of our freedom and friendship with France. Lady Liberty could be a target for terrorism, that is most likely the reason it is protected.

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WEll, there is the Empire State Building (but that's not really a STATUE) so a big statue in New York would definitely have to be the famous Statue Of Liberty!! lildancer99<33

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The Statue is used for remembrance of The deceleration of Independence signing. SHe is known as Lady Liberty for it also.

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The statue of liberty was based on an ancient roman statue, the colossus of Rhodes. Hope this helps.

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Liberty island is home to the Statue Of Liberty.

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What did France give to the US in the 1880's?

The Statue of Liberty The Statue of Liberty

What are the effects of the statue liberty being in America?

the effects of the statue of liberty in America is to keep symbolizing freedom, justice and liberty.BY eman nice man

What American landmark stands stands on liberty Island?

the Statue of LibertyThe Statue of Liberty.

Are their names on the Statue of Liberty?

The statue is also know as "lady liberty" but no other name as such.