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Q: How is a surface current different from a current near coast?
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How does the Gulf Stream influence the climate on the western coast of Norway?

The Gulf Stream helps to moderate the climate on the western coast of Norway, creating milder winters compared to other regions at similar latitudes. This warm ocean current brings in relatively warm water from the Gulf of Mexico, which helps to warm the air above it and maintain a more temperate climate in Norway.

Is it true or false that a surface current warms or cools the air above it influencing the climate of the land near the coast?

True. Surface currents can transport heat from one area to another, affecting the temperature of the air above them. Warm currents can bring warmer temperatures to coastal areas, while cold currents can have a cooling effect on the climate of the land nearby.

How do cold water current affect weather on land near a coast?

Well... To be sure, you should research, right? Well, you don't have to here because i have researched it for you. The answer to this question is very simple. The answer is... A surface current warms or cools the air above it, influencing the climate of the land near the coast.

How do cold-water currents affect weather on land near a near a coast?

Well... To be sure, you should research, right? Well, you don't have to here because i have researched it for you. The answer to this question is very simple. The answer is... A surface current warms or cools the air above it, influencing the climate of the land near the coast.

What is cuurrent?

Not sure what a suface cuurrent is. In deep water, there often are currents that flow in different directions at different depths. A surface current will flow in one direction, near the surface, while there will be a current flowing in the opposite direction deeper down.

How do cold waters affect weather on land near a coast?

Well... To be sure, you should research, right? Well, you don't have to here because i have researched it for you. The answer to this question is very simple. The answer is... A surface current warms or cools the air above it, influencing the climate of the land near the coast.

What is suface cuurrent?

Not sure what a suface cuurrent is. In deep water, there often are currents that flow in different directions at different depths. A surface current will flow in one direction, near the surface, while there will be a current flowing in the opposite direction deeper down.

Is a surface current warmer or colder?

a surface current is warmer becasuse it isn't near the bottom of the ocean its near the top so it gets more heat

Streamlike movements of waterat or near the surface of the ocean are called?

surface current

How do cold water currents affect weather on land near coast?

Well... To be sure, you should research, right? Well, you don't have to here because i have researched it for you. The answer to this question is very simple. The answer is... A surface current warms or cools the air above it, influencing the climate of the land near the coast.

Is a surface current the currrent near the shore?


What is a warm current that originates near the equator?

the surface of the ocean