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About two feet high

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Q: How high does the ridge rise from the sea floor?
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The movement of the ocean floor on either side of a midocean ridge is best known as?

it is known as sea floor spreading. this is when the oceanic plates diverge or move apart which causes the magma from the mantle to rise forming new sea floor.

What is area where sea floor spreading is common today?

Sea floor spreading is common along mid-ocean ridges such as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the East Pacific Rise. These are areas where tectonic plates are moving apart, allowing magma to rise from the mantle and create new oceanic crust.

Why is the ocean floor expanding?

Because of sea-floor spreading caused by the mid-ridge

What caused the mid ocen ridge?

sea-floor spreading

Is the sea floor near the mid ocean ridge young?

Yes, the sea floor near the mid-ocean ridge is young. As magma rises along the ridge, it solidifies to form new crust, creating a continuous process of crust formation and pushing older crust away from the ridge. This results in the oldest sea floor being farthest from the mid-ocean ridges.

Is there a formal name for the process of the sea floor being older the greater the distance from the mid-ocean ridge?

Sea floor spreading

What is the longest mountain chain earth?

Ocean Ridge-on the sea floor. mid-ocean ridge in the ocean

What is the role of mid ocean ridge in sea floor spreading?

to make volcanoes

What happens at the mid-atlantic ridge?

Sea floor spreading

What happens to the sea floor at the mid Atlantic ridge?

A rift valley will form

What occurs atthe Juan del fueca ridge?

New Sea Floor

What is it called when the sea floor spreads out from both sides of a mid ocean ridge and moves towards continents?

sea floor spreading or divergent boudary