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Q: How high are the Stonehenge sarsens?
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What are the vertical stones at Stonehenge called?


How much do the Stonehenge stones weigh?

The largest stones at Stonehenge, the sarsens, weigh around 25 tons on average. The smaller bluestones weigh between 2 to 5 tons.

Describe the general structure of Stonehenge?

Stonehenge consists of a circular setting of large standing stones, known as sarsens, topped by lintel stones in the center. The outer circle is surrounded by a circular earthwork bank and ditch. There are also avenues of stones leading away from the main structure.

What are sarsens?

sarsens are the remains of a cap of tertiary sandstone which once covered much of southern england.

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How did Stonehenge get in London when nobody can even be over 10 feet high?

Stonehenge is not in London it is on Salisbury plain in the county of Wiltshire.

How many visitors to the Stonehenge each year?

I would love to tell you and so would hundreds of historians, but I can't and neither can they. It was probably a large number because those massive stones were lifted or somehow transported without the use of the wheel!

What is special about the Stonehenge blocks?

Apart from their size (the sarsens that is) the fact that they were shaped to conform to a very precise architectural plan. Look at the stones and they have their better faces inwards - except the Great Trilithon, which turns its better face to the midwinter sunset. There are too many details to explain here, explore the links below.

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What can you do at Stonehenge?

Stonehenge is in the country, but there is a guided audio tour and a giftshop on the Stonehenge site.

What is there to do in Stonehenge?

Stonehenge is in the country, but there is a guided audio tour and a giftshop on the Stonehenge site.

What is the most famous megalithic formation?

Stonehenge in England is one of the most famous megalithic formations in the world. It consists of a ring of standing stones, each around 13 feet high, set within earthworks. The purpose and method of construction of Stonehenge remain a mystery.