The address of the Sedgwick Museum is: Po Box 422, Martins Ferry, OH 43935
The closest ocean to Ohio is the Atlantic ocean.
About 4½ hours by car.
Joe Muranyi was born on January 14, 1928, in Martins Ferry, Ohio, USA.
This is the Atlantic Ocean.
Ohio does not directly border the Atlantic Ocean. The distance between the eastern coast of Ohio and the Atlantic Ocean would vary depending on the specific location in Ohio, but it is typically around 500-600 miles to reach the coast.
It's the area surrounding that upper part of the Ohio River. Including cities like Wheeling, WV , Brideport, Martins Ferry, and St Claresville, Ohio , and cities around there.
The Atlantic Ocean is closest to Canton, Ohio and Ohio in general. The Atlantic Ocean is at least 400 miles away from Canton, Ohio. The Pacific Ocean, on the other hand, is about 2000 miles away.
ocean city md
The Pacific Ocean is due west; The Atlantic Ocean is due west. However, the Pacific borders California, while The Atlantic Ocean lies at the opposite side of the USA.
the alantic ocean is closer to alll parts of ohio therefore the pacific ocean is father away.