Cedar Point is about 4 hours from Erlanger KY. It is about a 243.5 mile drive.
Clyde Ohio is approximately 30 minutes away from Cedar Point which is located in Sandusky Ohio.
They are less than 10 minutes away from each other.
Cedar Point is about 5 hours and 20 minutes away from Lexington. It is a 318 mile drive.
It's a little over 200 miles away.
It's within a mile its not far at all. Actually castaway bay and cedar point are on the same strip.
Cedar Point is about 3 hours from Lansing, MI. It would be about a 185 mile drive.
It is about a 6 hour drive from Clarksburg, MD to Cedar Point. It is about a 387 mile drive.
Clio, MI is 187 miles from Cedar Point. That is about a 3 hour drive.
Chicago to Cedar Point is 295 miles. That will take about 4 hours and 40 minutes to drive.
Sylvania, OH is 79 miles from Cedar Point. That will be about a 1 hour and 30 minute drive.
About 180 miles.