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CLimate depends on the region you are in. If where you are is closer to a body of water (like the ocean) then there will more likely be a breeze therefore have a cooler temperature. Places that are landlocked (such as some countries in Africa for example) are more likely to be dry and suffer from drought.

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Q: How does wind and water affect climate?
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How do wind and water affect the climate?


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sun ,wind ,and water affect climate, but the shape of the land has an effect of climate as well

What shape influences climate?

sun ,wind ,and water affect climate, but the shape of the land has an effect of climate as well

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sun ,wind ,and water affect climate, but the shape of the land has an effect of climate as well

What climate control factor affect your local climateWhat are the 5 factors that affect climate on a local scale?

The climate control factors that affect local climate include latitude, altitude, proximity to bodies of water, ocean currents, and prevailing wind patterns. The five factors that affect climate on a local scale are latitude, altitude, topography, proximity to water bodies, and prevailing wind patterns.

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A wind system affects a regions climate by something

How does the wind affect the climate of region?

because the wind reaches every where

What can affect the climate of an area?

Factors such as latitude, proximity to bodies of water, altitude, and prevailing wind patterns can all affect the climate of an area. Human activities, such as deforestation and urbanization, can also contribute to changes in climate.

How does water affect earth climate and weather patterns?

Yes, water does affect climate: One reason that Britain 'enjoys' a temperate, rather variable, wet climate is that the prevailing south-westerly wind passes over the Atlantic Ocean. The wind, with the warmth from the Sun, take up water vapour, form clouds, and blow the rain filled clouds over Britain.

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Wind and water can affect rocks by carrying them around and eroding the rocks by such pressure