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Water pressure increases as you go deeper.

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Q: How does water pressure change as you go deeper?
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How does water pressure change with dept?

the deeper you go the more weight you have pressing against you

How does pressure change as you go from the surface toward the center if the earth?

The pressure increases as you go deeper. The deeper you go the greater the pressure

How does pressure change as you go from the surface toward the center if earth?

The pressure increases as you go deeper. The deeper you go the greater the pressure

What increases as you go deeper in the water?

the pressure increases

Why does pressure change in the ocean floor when you go deeper?

Because all the water ontop of you is being pushed down by gravity

How does water pressure increases?

the deeper you go , the more water is on your head

What do water pressure increases as?

Water pressure increases with depth, as you go deeper there is more water above weighing down on you.

Does water pressure increase or decrease as you go deeper into the ocean?


Why does the water pressure increase the deeper you go in the ocean?

i was told that it is the weight of the water around you

Why do fluids exert more force the deeper you go?

imagine that all the air around you is puting pressure on you. Then, when you go into a fluid, you can feel the pressure of the air and the water. The deeper you go, the more pressure is on top of you and eventually, you will get crushed.

How does the water pressure change at each level in a jug?

In a jug, the water pressure increases with depth due to the weight of the water above exerting force. The pressure at the bottom of the jug is higher than at the top. This pressure difference is the reason why water squirts out with more force from a spout at the bottom than at the top.

The deeper you go in the ocean the greater the water pressure Use logical reasoning to infer why?

This is because ocean water has weight, and believe it or not, air has weight too. The water and air pressure add up when you go farther underwater. This causes there to be higher water pressure as you go deeper because the water weight adds up.