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Kereru birds can survive in the forest by using their wide Gape to enable it to eat large amounts of food and large peices of food

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Q: How does the kereru bird survive in the forest?
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You survive by using what ever you can find in the forest, to survive.

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What eat kereru?

kereru's favourite food is small fruits. they also eat shoots, leaves and buds.

What does the kereru eat?

bugs and beetles

What Foods Do Kereru Eat?


What eats the kereru?

bugs and beetles

Where do kereru live?

Kereru, also known as New Zealand pigeons, can be found in forests, parks, and gardens throughout New Zealand. They prefer areas with a mix of tall trees for nesting and feeding, as well as open spaces for flying. Kereru are important seed dispersers for many native tree species in New Zealand.

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In "Swiss Family Robinson," the cuckoo bird guided the boys to find a source of fresh water when they were lost in the forest. It led them to a hidden spring where they were able to replenish their supplies and survive.