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Q: How does the everglades ecosystem effect the people aroumd it?
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many people aroumd 3000 234 were injured

How do people effect the ecosystem?

Well people destroy a lot of ecosystems. But some people help ecosystems. It all depend's on who you are.

What would be the effect of destroying most or all of the plants in the an ecosystem?

Some people or animals will die.

What is going on with the everglades because people have been saying that it is losing area?

Major cities, like Miami, are expanding into the everglades, therefor decreasing the size of the original everglades

Do people gator hunt in the everglades?

Its illegal but people still do.

Why are the everglades losing water?

because people are wasting water and there is none left for the everglades also cause of people leaving the water on or taking a long shower

Do people hunt in the Everglades?

No they cant not it aginest the law

How do people get around in the everglades?

mainly air boat

Why are melaleuca trees planted in the everglades?

People hoped that the trees would dry up the land and make Everglades suitable for development.

How many people get injured or killed by cats in the Everglades every year?

There are no specific statistics on how many people are injured or killed by cats in the Everglades each year. However, feral cats pose a threat to native wildlife in the Everglades by preying on endangered species.

How did people live in the everglades?

People in the Everglades of Florida lived on the land and learn to adapt to the harsh environment. Many Native America tribes once called this area home.

How many people work in the everglades? Everglades National ParkAnnual Visitation 2003 - 1,040,648 2004 - 1,181,355 2005 - 1,233,837 2006 - 954,022