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Q: How does roller furling work?
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What is the name of the Line used in furling a sail?

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Can furling jibs or mainsails be used partly unfurled or must they be fully opened or closed?

In the case of most offshore yachts, yes, they can be "reefed" (furled and tied down) to reduce the amount of surface area exposed to the wind. However this does depend on the type of furling gear used, some (mostly jibs) can only be used fully unfurled (In general a solid forestay is required for a roller-reefing jib.)

What rhymes with sterling?

'Yearling', 'Curling', 'Hurling' and 'furling' (as in furling or unfurling a flag) come to mind; can't think of any more offhand, but I'll give it thought!

How do action and reactions forces work when you use roller skates?

Action and reaction forces work while roller staking by the action force being that you and your roller skates move forward. The reaction force is when the roller skates slide backwards on the ground.

How is roller coesters work?

It work by moter to start off.

What is a force that is used to do work?

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Will roller lifters in a 1998 vortec 350 work in a 1986 350 block?

NO. The 86 is not a roller block.

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How do you get the roller coaster in Adventure Rock to work?

well you have to die

Will vortec heads work with out roller lifters?

YES, they sure will.

How does a roller ball pen work?

roller ball pens employ a mobile ball and liquid ink to produce a smoother line.