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It goes to a lake from the aqifer. Aquifer in a natural layer of water underneath the ground.

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Q: How does ocean water go to a lake?
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Are lake and ocean water a like?

No. Lake water is freshwater and ocean water is saltwater.

Can a river carry water from a lake to an ocean?

yes a river can carry water from a lake to a ocean.

What the largest bodies of water on the earth?

The largest bodies of water on earth are the Pacific Ocean, The Atlantic Ocean, The Indian Ocean, The Mediterranean Ocean, The Great Lakes ( Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, And Lake Ontario)

What are examples of analogies in lake?

lake - fresh water as ocean - salt water

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What if you can you do to keep your new piercing clean in lake water?

Don't enter the lake until they heal. Depending on the lake, standing fresh water can be quite contagious -- far more so than ocean water for instance. ....simple, don't go in the lake.

What are some major bodies of water in the world?

Major Bodies of Water include: - Pacific Ocean - Arctic Ocean - Bering Sea - Gulf of Alaska - Salton Sea - Sea of Cortez - Bristol Bay - Beaufort Sea - Chukchi Sea - Great Salt Lake - Gulf of Mexico - Indian Ocean - Atlantic Ocean

What body of water lake Ontario to Atlantic ocean?

lake ontario

Is ocean water cleaner than lake water?

That would depend on numerous matters, such as which one, where etc.

How does water from the lake or ocean get into the atmosphere?

Its ejaculates

What are the largest body of water on earth?

The largest bodies of water on earth are the Pacific Ocean, The Atlantic Ocean, The Indian Ocean, The Mediterranean Ocean, The Great Lakes ( Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, And Lake Ontario)

What are some bodies of water in the west region?

Pacific Ocean