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It takes confidence, practice, and acceptance. You have to accept the fact that sometimes all you get is NO. You have to be confident enough in yourself to let it go and move on. And everything worth doing took a little practice to get good at. So, take care of yourself first. Make yourself presentable and acceptable. A clean face, clean shirt, and nice smell will make it easier for her to say yes. Also, looking good makes you feel good. Next, learn some manners. No means no, thanks you and your welcome are appealing, and eating with your mouth closed avoids gagging! Ok so you've improved in leaps and bounds. Now you need a thick hide. Think of it as football, without the padding it hurts to get tackled. With padding it still hurts but you can get up and keep going. This takes practice and that can be difficult. You can enlist a sister, your mom, or a female friend, but as this can be just as embarrassing, sometimes its just easier to get your heart stomped a few times. Just so you know, my husband got me with a horribly fumbled attempt at asking me to go out for coffee, no as a date, as friends, if I wanted, but he understoodif I didn't, err...ummm.... You get the point. Sometimes just the effert is all that matters.

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Q: How do you get over the fear of asking a girl out?
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If you have trouble asking girls out in person sure do it over text, but i suggest doing it in person because it shows the girl that you dont get nervous in person.

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As Nike says, "Just do it!" Then, you'll get better at it, so it will be easier when the next "certain girl" comes along in your life.

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It's all about the will power friend, will power.

What if you are shy about asking a girl out?

If you're a bit shy asking a girl out, then either get her some flowers or a little note asking her to go out with you. simple :)