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It's really cool! Basically, most of it is too narrow and shallow for a ship to go through, so it's got chambers all along it that end up making a sort of staircase. As the ship goes along, water will fill up the chamber it's in until it is high enough to enter the next chamber. This process takes a while (8-10 hours to get across 50 miles), but it's still pretty awesome.


It's too narrow for the largest ships now, but the first statement is otherwise wrong. The chambers you describe have a proper name: "locks", and although as you say a 'sort of staircase', they do not work quite as you've described them. They are filled from rivers, and enable the canal to climb over the ridge forming the bulk of the isthmus. (The original attempt to keep the canal at sea-level failed as the ridge is too high.)

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9y ago
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14y ago

You go in a boat and you go into a chamber in the damn and a wall raises up behind you and in front of you. The water then lowers and the wall in front of you lowers and it repeats. And opposite for going the opposite way

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13y ago

you would cross the Panama Canal by boat because it's water. Not land. There are tours you can book crossing the Panama Canal.

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15y ago

They go through using a series of locks. The canal is 40 miles long and opened to shipping in 1914.

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You need to cross the Panama canal. er - the canal is used by ships to cross Panama (proper noun). You don't cross "the" panana or corss the panama canal. You'd cross Panama to shortcut between the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean saving 8 days sailing around Cape Horn.

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The country is Panama and the canal is the Panama Canal.

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The Panama Canal crosses the country of Panama.

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The Panama Canal is in the country called Panama.The Panama Canal is in the country called Panama.The Panama Canal is in the country called Panama.The Panama Canal is in the country called Panama.The Panama Canal is in the country called Panama.The Panama Canal is in the country called Panama.The Panama Canal is in the country called Panama.The Panama Canal is in the country called Panama.The Panama Canal is in the country called Panama.The Panama Canal is in the country called Panama.The Panama Canal is in the country called Panama.

How much time does it take for a boat to cross the Panama Canal?

A typical passage through the Panama Canal by a cargo ship takes approximately 8-10 hours.

How did the Panama Canal affect Panama?

The Panama Canal does not affect panama.

What is Panama known for?

Panama is known for the Panama Canal.

Why is the Panama Canal so named?

The Panama Canal is named as such because it is a canal and is in the country of Panama.

What is the shortcut between the Atlantic and Pacific ocean?

The Panama Canal

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Panama. The canal is the Panama Canal, built by the US between 1904 and 1914.

Canal that connects the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean?

The Panama Canal is the name of the canal connecting to the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans!The Panama Canal joins them.