they can get fleas from other animals in the wild or if they are in a zoo from other animals in the zoo
They either buy their wild animals or they rescue abandoned wild animals.
they're just pandas caught from the wild.
animals live longer in the zoo then the wild because there is a steadier food balance in a zoo than in the wild there is also not any predators in the zoo in the cage they are in.
Yes, because it is their home.If we put them in zoo,it makes the animal depart from there home and their families.
in the arabian peninsula and there are still descendants of animals wild caught in arabia in the sana'a zoo and taiz zoo
Reproduction is better for animals in the wild than in the zoo because in the wild,if an animal reproduces, the offspring grow up and learn to live in the wild naturally. If an animal reproduces in the zoo, the offspring would have to be taught to live in the wild or never be let free back into its natural habitat.
Zoos hunt animals in forests of course! They trap them and put them in cages, and then bring them to the zoo. Then the put them in bigger cages in the zoo, so that scientists can study them and people can enjoy them. Also, many animals are now traded for between zoos. Especially the long lived animals and those that breed easily in the Zoo's enviroment. Breeding and raising the desired animals for zoos, in order to have more of the endangered animals. With the advances in science and storage of sperm and egg, a breeding program can work with several other Zoo's programs to guard the genetic pools of those animals that need close watching. Alot of the seriously endangered are so hard to find in the wild, and the trapping and trip are phycially, and emotionally dangerous for the creature, that removing them from the wild is not a viable option for stocking Zoos any more.
because then you could see animals that you cant see in the wild.
animals in zoos lifes are cut by about 20% from ones in the wild
yes because they are well trained then wild life animals
No, animals in zoo's are kept as close to their wild instincts as possible meaning they are wild and you can not touch