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Tidal currents usually occur near shorelines not in the open ocean. This is caused by the motion of the tide going in and out which is influenced by the moon.

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Q: How do tidal currents perform in the open ocean?
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How do tidal currents perform in open ocean?

Tidal currents usually occur near shorelines not in the open ocean. This is caused by the motion of the tide going in and out which is influenced by the moon.

When are tidal currents not important?

open ocean

What is the name for a great wave on the open ocean?

Tidal or rogue wave.

How prawn protect their eggs?

They don't ! The eggs are simply laid in the open sea - to drifton tidal currents.

How do prawns protect their eggs?

They don't ! The eggs are simply laid in the open sea - to drifton tidal currents.

Is a baymouth bar a form of erosion or deposition?

A baymouth bar is a form of deposition. It is created when sediment is deposited by longshore drift and tidal currents, forming a barrier that closes off a bay or lagoon from the open ocean.

How is a tidal fence different than a tidal barrages?

A tidal fence is a series of underwater turbines placed in a line to capture energy from tidal currents, whereas a tidal barrage is a dam-like structure built across a tidal estuary or bay to capture energy from the rise and fall of tides. Tidal fences are typically smaller in scale and placed in open water, while tidal barrages involve impounding water in a basin behind the structure.

Why is the tidal range so small?

The tidal range may be small in some areas due to the geography and shape of the coastline, which can limit the flow of water. Additionally, factors such as the distance from the open ocean, the depth of the water, and local weather conditions can also impact the tidal range.

What is the definition of tidal energy?

Tidal energy is a form of renewable energy generated by harnessing the energy from the natural rise and fall of tides in the ocean. This energy is captured using methods like tidal turbines or barrages to produce electricity. Tidal energy is considered a predictable and reliable source of renewable energy.

What are the two type main wetlands?

these are the 5 types of classifications for wetlands.1. MarineAssociated with the open ocean and high-energy coastline waters(includes coastal wetlands, such as tidal marshes)2. EstuarineConsisting of deepwater tidal habitats and adjacent tidal wetlands that, at times, have access to the open ocean; occasionally diluting sea water with freshwater runoff.3. RiverineFound along rivers and streams4. LacustrineAssociated with lakes5. PalustrineMay be isolated or connected wet areas, including marshes, swamps, and bogs

Why is the open ocean so low in productivity?

The open ocean is low in productivity because it has lower nutrient levels compared to coastal areas, limiting the growth of phytoplankton, which is the base of the oceanic food chain. Additionally, light penetration is reduced in deeper waters, affecting photosynthesis. Ocean currents and mixing also play a role in dispersing and diluting nutrients.

How would you expect the tritium to get to the ocean?

Tritium can enter the ocean through various pathways, such as atmospheric deposition, discharge from nuclear facilities, and leaching from contaminated soil or groundwater. Once in the ocean, tritium can mix and disperse with the water currents.