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through the straights of Gibraltar into the Mediterranean and then through the Suez Canal

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Q: How do ships get from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea?
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What major water bodies from the coastline of Africa?

Mediterranean Sea Red Sea Indian ocean Atlantic Ocean

What are the ocean that surround Africa?

Africa is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, Indian ocean. The seas that surround it are: Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea.

What kind of ocean waves does the Atlantic?

the red sea

What oceans boader Africa?

Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean and Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea.

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Africa is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, the Indian Ocean to the east, and the Red Sea to the northeast.

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The Atlantic ocean, the Indian ocean, and the mediteranian ocean

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To not let them get there destination

What ocean is the Mediterranean Sea connected to?

the Atlantic ocean, and the red sea which then flows into the Indian ocean.

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The busiest ocean in the world is the Atlantic Ocean. More ships transporting cargo pass through this body of water than any other. Ships pass from the Mediterranean Sea into the Atlantic also.

What body of water is the west of Africa?

To the east of North and South America the Atlantic Ocean separates the two continents from Europe. To the west of North And South America the Pacific Ocean separates the two continents from Asia.

North Africa stretches from Atlantic ocean to the?

Red sea

Does Egypt border the Atlantic Ocean?

No. Egypt borders the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea.