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Over a long period of time things can move suck as ROCK can move in the ocean from high and low tides, pressure, and waves only up to 3 ft....

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Q: How do rocks along the central valley of the mid-ocean ridge provide evidence of sea floor spreading?
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How do rocks along central valley of mid ocean ridge provide evidence of sea floor spreading?


What do magnetic anomalies provide evidence of?

seafloor spreading

How do magnetic reversals provide evidence for sea-for spreading?

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Is the analysis of seafoor sediments evidence of sea-floor spreading?

Yes, the analysis of sea-floor sediments can provide evidence of sea-floor spreading. By studying the age and composition of the sediments, scientists can track the movement of tectonic plates and the spreading of the sea floor over time. Additionally, magnetic anomalies recorded in these sediments can further support the theory of sea-floor spreading.

How sea floor spreading provide evidence for tectonic plates?

by the plate tectonic and the ocean bridges

How does magnetic reversals provide evidence for seafloor spreading?

Because of the stripes at the sea floor which are magnetic minerals

How magnetic reversals provide evidence for sea floor spreading?

Because of the stripes at the sea floor which are magnetic minerals

Strips of alternating magnetic polarities found in rocks in the ocean basin?

provide evidence for sea-floor spreading

How do magnetic reversals provide evidence of sea - floor spreading?

The presence of magnetic domains of alternating orientation parallel to the plate boundaries.

How do rocks along the central valley of the mid-ocean ridge provide evidence of sea- floor spreading?

Rocks along the central valley of the mid-ocean ridge display symmetrical patterns of magnetic striping where new oceanic crust is formed. This occurs as magma is extruded along the ridge, creating a record of Earth's changing magnetic field over time. The alternating magnetic polarity of these rocks provides concrete evidence for sea-floor spreading and the movement of tectonic plates.

What three types of evidence provide supporting of sea floor spreading?

Seismic Waves, Rock formations, and the shapes of the continents over time

How were earthquake patterns used to provide evidence of seafloor spreading?

Earthquake patterns were used to provide evidence of seafloor spreading through the discovery of mid-ocean ridges. Scientists observed that earthquakes were concentrated along these ridges, indicating the presence of tectonic activity associated with the movement of tectonic plates. This supported the theory of seafloor spreading, where new oceanic crust is formed at mid-ocean ridges and pushes older crust away from the ridge.