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It provides food and medcines for the tribal people.

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Q: How do rainforest's support tribal people?
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Related questions

Does anyone live in rainforests?

yespeople live in te rainforest thay are called tribal people.

How do people use the Daintree Rainforest?

All tropical rainforests are home to tribal peoples who always rely on their surroundings for food and water.

What is the livelihood of tribal people?

tribal people livelihood is nothing...

How can Peru benefit from its rain forests without hurting the global environment?

The rainforests support an ecosystem that benefits the entire environment of Peru.

What part if any have these people played in the deforestation of the tropical rainforests?

People cut down rainforests for timber.

What are the tribal people called in Pirates of the Caribbean 2?

The tribal people are named the Pelegostos. This is fictional

Why are people cutting down the rainforests?

we are cutting down the rainforests because we need: WOOD.

Are there rainforests in New Brunswick?

No; New Brunswick's climate wouldn't support a rainforest.

What do tribal people do?


How many people are there in the rainforest's?

1000 people are in the rainforests

Who are tribal people?

tribal people are those people who live in forest in a community in a traditional manner. it means of a group of linked or related families.

What are the tribal and rural life affected by jib corbett national park?

tribal life is affected by the people who beat them up and who throw garbage in the park next to the homes of the tribal people AND smoking