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Have you ever played the game telephone, where someone starts something off and by the end it gets all twisted and slightly if not very much different. same concept.

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Q: How do greek myths survive in so many different versions?
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How did Greek myths survive today?

they eat there fruit and veg

What are all the Greek myths and has anyone wrote every Greek myth?

The Greek myths were stories told by the Ancient Greeks made to explain strange events, things in nature, and basically everythingon the Earth. The Greek myths weren't written down until writing in Greece was actually develpoed, and before that, the myths were all told by mouth. That is why there are many different versions of the myths. In books telling about Greek myths, the myths may be written down, but usually not every single Greek myth is in one book, as there are lots of them. I do not think one Ancient Greek man could have known or told every single myth either.

How are Greek myths different from Roman myths?

Different gods and different mythical creature. Also they were more disciplined and more strict.

What were the main characters of Greek Myths?

many different people

What significance did myths have on the Greek people?

The Greek myths were the ancient Greek's religion.

Who created Greek Myths?

The greeks created greek myths

When was The Greek Myths created?

The Greek Myths was created in 1955.

Who freely used his own versions of classical myths in his tragedies?

The Greek playwright Euripides freely used his own versions of classical myths in his tragedies. He was known for his innovative and unconventional approach to traditional stories, often portraying characters in a more complex and human light.

When did the Greek myths originate?

Greek myths origiated from Greece in 800bce

How old are Greek myths?

The greek myths are as old as the greeks, for they are who made them.

Why can't you people get Greek Mythology right?

Well, for you information person there are different tales and myths of Greek mythology.Got it?

Why are there so many versions of he same myths?

people may not know of the myths and rewrite it