how they addapt is, there body features change to help them blend in, and they can be resistant to some poisnsess liquids in the coral. for example, there are fish that lay on the bottom of the sea floor and blend in because there skin is a tannish brown and matches the sandy bottom
Over 55% of the world's reefs are threatened by overfishing (fishing too much fish, in which it doesn't give them enough time to reproduce). Coral reefs provide homes and nursery grounds for many fish species. Depletion of parrotfish and surgeonfish populations allows algae to grow unchecked, causing some coral reef ecosystems to transform from a beautiful seascape of corals to fields of rubble and seaweed. Overfishing of certain species near coral reefs can easily affect the reef's ecological balance and biodiversity. Fishing impacts in coral reef areas, when ecologically weak, can lead to the depletion of key functional groups of reef species in many locations, with flowing impacts on coral reef habitats and associated species and ecosystems.
Some fish eat of the coral reefs, but they do not live on or in the coral reefs. But every fish living on or in the coral reef has a job to do that protects it from the intrudors.
coral and fish
the habittat of the fish will be gone. and the hose of fish will be gone. because the coral reefs is the habittat of the fish
they over fish so the coral reefs dead
In the deep coral of reefs
a group of fish in the coral reefs is called a school of fish
Coral reefs provide homes for many kinds of fish and other sea creatures. Some of the things that live in coral reefs are fish, sea anemones, sharks, eels, octopi, and sea urchins.
yes because certain types of fish are in coral reefs all across the world
Yes, there are species of puffers that live in coral reefs.