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A couple of things come to mind.

But, first, it's important to understand what products come from rainforest. Rainforests produce some of the hardest, most exotic, beautiful woods in the world. Many of these woods can be found nowhere else. Certain tropical plants (like palm trees) are the source for palm oils. Other plants are have medicinal value. Rainforest are also the source for rubber and cork.

Once we understand what products come from rain forests and how it affects the forests, we can look at what we do to contribute to the problem.

Developed nations' hunger for these products drives most of the harvesting in our world's tropical forests. We are willing to pay and make it financially rewarding for countries to destroy their beautiful forests. We build our homes or remodel them and pay for expensive, exotic woods; palm oil is cheap and seemingly benign; we use rubber and cork everywhere; and we don't even think about our medicines.

Once we become aware of our part in the destruction of the world's rainforests, we can take steps to reverse what is becoming a worldwide crisis. We can avoid products like palm oil and exotic hardwoods. We can limit our use of rubber and cork; and we can insist on synthetic only medicines.

When we must use products that can't be obtained from a source other than a rainforest, we can insist that the product come from a sustainable source, meaning that no trees were killed or habitat harmed for the product, or that the product is sourced from an area that is certified where no old growth is destroyed. We can also insist that that a product come from a source that is replenished as fast, if not faster, than it is exhausted.

Rainforests are also being cleared at an alarming rate to make way for agriculture--grazing animals and farming. To prevent this from happening, we can refuse to purchase products that are imported from these areas.

As it is with the destruction of earth's resources, it is done for financial gain. If there is no financial incentive, it will discourage the destruction of an environmentally critical and limited resource.

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