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Q: How did the Parthenon reflect the wealth and power of Athens?
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Why was the golden age of Athens marked by power wealth and art?

Because the Athens were powerful, wealthy, and they made a lot of amazing art

How did the war against Persia birng new wealth and power to Athens?

greek colonies payed Athens to protect them from Persia and the How did the war against Persia bring new wealth and power to Athens went to building an even greater navy and improving life in the city itself its not This IS about the battle : the war began with an attack by the Spartan army. Pericles knew that his army was no match for Sparta's. He Called for Athenians living inside the city walls. The walls Protected the city,but Sparta's army destroyed the famrland around Athens. Read more: How did the war against Persia bring new wealth and power to Athens

What ruler was in power when the Parthenon was built?

Pericles was the ruler when the Parthenon was built.

What were pericles accomplishments?

He brought democracy to Athenians. The democracy of Athens gave power to the people and the laws of Athens gives equal justice for all.

The fundamental cause of the peloponnesian war was?

the power struggle between Athens and Sparta. Athens had emerged as a dominant naval power in the Aegean while Sparta was the leader of the Peloponnesian League. Tensions between the two city-states grew as they competed for influence and resources, eventually leading to the outbreak of the war.

Why was it important to rebuild and beautify the Acropolis Athens?

If you mean why was it important that Pericles rebuilt it after it was sacked, the answer is because it is a symbol of Athens' strength and victory. After the Persians attacked and sacked Athens in 480BCE, there was another battle a year later when the Greeks (Athenians) won and successfully defended their city. Shortly after, Athens became the main political and cultural hub in Greece. Pericles rebuilt the Acropolis as an expression of Athen's power. Also, the Parthenon in particular was build to honor Athena, Athens' patron goddess.

What forces that actted on the Parthenon?

no it was designed to show power.

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What were causes of the Peloponnesian War?

The main cause of the Peloponnesian War was Sparta's fear of Athens' growth. Sparta feared the growth and the power of Athens. As Athens gained more control and power in the Delian League, a coalition of Greek states whose purpose was to provide a navy for defense against the Persians, Sparta was concerned its own power would be reduced and Athens would take over. The rivalry between Sparta and Athens. C. Sparta's fear and jealousy of the power and wealth of athens.

What was the name of the building Pericles built?

In the Anicent times, buildings was a message of power. Pericles took the idea, and built many buildings such as Acroplis, Pathernon and other famous buildings.

What is the advantage of wealth?

Wealth is interchangeable with power. Power is the ability to make things happen.

Why did Britain want a empire?

Wealth and power. With wealth comes power. What other reason is there?