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Because the Mings dynasty delined.

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Q: How did manchus gain power?
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How did the manchus power?

In 1644, the Manchus conquered China. They started the Qing Dynasty. The Manchus allowed only limited trade. They also limited foreign contacts and tried to restrict foreign influence in China. The Qing Dynasty was China's last dynasty. It lasted until 1911.

What was the role of manchus?

The Manchus' role was ruling china during the Qin dynasty and......

When did the Manchus take control of China?

The Manchus took control of China in 1644 from the Ming Dynasty.

What did the Manchus call themselves after they took control of China?

The Manchus called themselves the Qing Dynasty.

How did the manchus preserve their distinct identity while ruling china?

Barred intermarriage between Manchus and Chinese.

What did the Manchus have to do with the Great Wall?

the manchus tried to brake through the wall so that they could domain china

The ming was conquered by?


How did Manchus rulers gain the respect of the Chinese people?

They upheld China's traditional Confucian beliefs and social structures. They made the country's frontiers safe and restored China's prosperity.

What is a Decibel power gain?

Generally power is expressed in watts. The gain is the ratio of the output power to the input power. Gain = (output power)/(input power) if the gain is expressed in terms of log(base10) it is known as Decibel power gain Decibel power gain = Log10(Gain)dB if 1milliwatt power is taken as reference then Decibel power gain = Log10(Output power/1 milliwatt)dBm

The Manchus preserved their ethnic and cultural identity by forbidding Chinese to?

Travel to Manchuria, Learn the Manchurian language, and Marry Manchus

The 1911 Chinese Revolution ended the rule of the what?

It ended the rule of the Qing dynasty.

What restrictions did the Manchus place foreign trade?

The Manchus allowed trading only at special ports, and their leaders had to be paid a tribute.