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Q: How did light house Alexandria get destroyed?
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How was the light house Alexandria disroyed?

It was destroyed by a airplane for bob the builder

What is the name of the light house that has no light?

Maybe you're thinking of the lighthouse at Alexandria.

Did sailors use the light off the Alexandria lighthouse today?

Unlikely. The lighthouse was destroyed in the 1300s.

What reign was the light house of Alexandria built in?

Ptolomy the First

What was the length of each mud brick of the Alexandria light house?

about 2 feet

When was the Alexandria light house built?

Built between 280 and 247 BC.

What year was the light house of Alexandria made?

Built between 280 to 247 BC

What is the last seven wonder of the world?

Pyramids Chinese wall Alexandria light house

The structure that was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World was the?

light house in the harbor of Alexandria

Which wonder had a practical everyday purpose?

the wonder that had a partical everyday is the light house of alexandria

Was the Lighthouse of Alexandria destroyed or does it still exist?

It was destroyed. Please see the link:

Does anybody have proof that the lighthouse of Alexandria has either Poseidon or Zeus at the top of Alexandria has either Poseidon?

I learned in History it is Zeus that stands atop the light house.