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All of the stones in Stonehenge were related to solar and astronomical phenomena. It probably gave dates for planting crops as well as served for predicting eclipses. Today it is mainly used when the sun comes to a particular place at summer solstice. We have better ways to decide when to plant crops.

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15y ago

It marked the summmer and winter solstices, i.e. the longest and shortest days of the year - important but that's all.

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Q: How did Stonehenge tell time?
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How many stones at Stonehenge originally?

There are 92 stones at Stonehenge at the present time

What time period did Stonehenge originate?

Exactly where it is now, Stonehenge has not been moved. But for the idea behind its desgn see the link.

Are the pyramids older than Stonehenge?

The most active phase of Pyramid construction in Egypt was during 2300BC. Stonehenge is believed to date from around 2500BC, making Stonehenge slightly older, although in reality the two monuments date from around about the same time.

How does Stonehenge connect with cyclical time?

It does not, largely because there is no such thing as cyclical time.

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There is no evidence to suggest that Stonehenge predicts the pyramids. Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids were built by different civilizations in different time periods and have distinct architectural styles and purposes.

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Why would ancient famers have found Stonehenge particularly helpful?

Stonehenge was used to track the stars and, therefore, could be also identify the time of year it was.

What do the skeletons tell us that you didnt know before in Stonehenge?

The bones can tell the age of the person, manner of death, diet, and genetic identity.

What was stonehenge roughly built the same time as?

The Great Pyramid Of Giza

How does Stonehenge connect with the theory and study of time speeding up?

Not at all.

What was built at roughly the same time as Stonehenge?

The Great Pyramid Of Giza