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13y ago

Arlington and the land surrounding it once was owned by George and Martha Washington. It was handed down eventually to a great granddaughter who married Robert E. Lee. Further information can be found in the link provided.

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6y ago

Because it was a big Field and I think it was I good idea too.

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Q: How did Arlington National Cemetery became Cemetery?
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Where is the national cemetery?

The national cemetery is in Arlington, Virginia.

What is the national cemetery called?

Arlington National Cemetery

What is the address for Arlington National Cemetery?

Arlington National Cemetery is located at 1 Memorial Ave, Arlington, VA 22211, United States.

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Edward Kennedy got buried in Arlington national cemetery. In Arlington, Virgina!

What is the area of Arlington national cemetery?

Arlington National Cemetery is a military cemetery which covers around 624 acres. It does not have a typical street address. The official address however is, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA 22211.

What does Arlington cemetery look like?

what does the Arlington national cemetery look like

How big are gravestones at Arlington National Cemetery?

Arlington National Cemetery covers an area of 624 acres comprising about 300,000 grave sites.

When was Arlington cemetry completed?

The Arlington National Cemetery was completed on May 13, 1864. The Arlington National Cemetery is owned by the US Army.

What was Arlington cemetery before it became a cemetery?

it was a house

What is the Arlington National Cemetery for?

U.S. Army Arlington National Cemetary Arlington, VA 22211

How do you get a wheelchair at Arlington National Cemetery?

Arlington National Cemetery does not provide wheelchairs. You will need to bring your own personal wheelchair.

What happened to general Robert E. Lee's plantation after the war?

General Lee's estate was taken by the Union because of non-payment of taxes, and turned into Arlington National Cemetery, which it is to this day