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While no official cause of death has been acquired, it is widely accepted that Andrew de Moray was wounded at the Battle of Stirling Bridge and died later in November of the same year. Most likely, he died from a laceration wound, either from a sword or lance, and the wound was later infected. He may have been hit by an arrow, either from the English longbow men, or from the small amount of archers, also armed with the long bow, that the Scots mustered from Selkirk and Ettrick. de Moray and Wallace most likely fought in or near the front lines of the battle, so it may have been a lucky stab or cut that led to de Moray's demise.

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Q: How did Andrew moray die at the battle of stirling bridge?
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Who lead Scotland in the battle of stirling bridge?

William Wallace and Andrew De Moray

Who was in the Battle of Stirling Bridge?

The Scottish Army under the command of William Wallace and Andrew De Moray.

When the battle of stirling bridge happend what was murry the leaders second name?

His second name WAS Murray. The first name was Andrew, and the last name Moray. The Battle of Stirling Bridge took place in 1297. The aftermath of this victory for Scotland over England was an overwhelming victory for the Scots.

When did William Wallace start to fight for Scotland?

he started to fight for scotland at the battle of stirling bridge in 1297 if you are wondering if the Scots won they did and it was against the english

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No. It is entirely the creation of hollywood scriptwriters. Infact, Wallace was not even the commander of forces at Stirling Bridge. That honour fell to Andrew Moray, who was the senior Guardian of Scotland, and of far higher social standing than Wallace (who was a very minor noble). Moray was mortally wounded while leading the scots forces at the Battle of Stirling Bridge, and died a little while afterwards, leaving Wallace to take much of the credit. However, Wallace led the Scots forces for only seven months after the Battle of Stirling, before defeat at Falkirk, after which Wallace resigned the title of Guardian of Scotland.

How many people died in battle of stirling bridge?

Over 5,100 were killed, according to english accounts, including 100 cavalry. There is no record of the scots' casualties. The only known casualty was Andrew Moray, the senior Guardian of Scotland (the same title as William Wallace; Moray was given precidence in the letters and diplomatic records, as being Wallace's senior in rank.) Given Moray's role leading the armies, and the injury which would kill him a few weeks after the battle, it must be assumed that he and his men were in the midst of the fighting, and scots casualties were not insignificant either.

When did Andrew Moray die?

Andrew Moray died in 1297.

What happened to William Wallace after the battle of Stirling bridge?

WALLACE & THE BATTLE OF STIRLING BRIDGE. In September 1297 two Dominican friars went sent to Wallace by the 'Governer of Scotland' the Earl of Surrey (appointed by English King Edward I) to make peace, but this was firmly refused. A Scottish knight in Edward's army volunteered to take some mounted knights across the River Forth at a nearby ford. English knight Hugh De Cressingham urged a simple crossing of the wooden bridge. Surrey agreed. All day the English filed over, forming up on the flat land opposite. Wallace waited until half the English troops were across and upon his signal (a brayed horn) the Scots attacked. A party of Scots attacked from Cambuskenneth Abbey and held the Scottish side of the bridge. Some English reinforcements got across before the bridge collapsed (probably weakened by Wallace's men before the battle, the bridge was only wide enough for 2 or 3 horses abreast.) Meanwhile the Scottish horse, about 200 in number had crossed the ford and harried the English retreat. The English were driven to Berwick. Thousands were killed in the battle. Edward was forced to give up his plan but returned the following year with a much larger army and finally defeated Wallace at The Battle of Falkirk. The Battle of Stirling bridge lasted for about an hour. Surrey could only watch from the far bank of the river, unable to cross, while half his army were being slaughtered by the Scots. Soon after the death of Wallace (he was betrayed by Scottish traitor Sir John De Menteith) in 1305 there emerged the new force of Scotland, Robert the Bruce, but that's another story. In the Mel Gibson movie 'Braveheart' Gibson decided that there would be no Battle of Stirling Bridge but a Battle of Stirling. He thought that a pitched battle would look better, in movie terms, than a 'bridge' battle. Recommended reading - 'The Lion in the North' by John Prebble or any of the many biographies on William Wallace.

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Why did the Scots win the Battle of Stirling Bridge?

Near the end of the battle, many English had been killed and the remaining army were fearful of the powerful Scots. The fact that the small army of Scots were winning against their large army made them afraid, and although they still had a good chance of winning the battle, the English scattered. Some drowned, and others were killed by the Scots.

Who plays the role of Andrew de moray in the movie braveheart?

The website IMDb names a Braveheart character of Mornay, played by Alun Armstrong.