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Q: How can you make the Golden Gate Bridge out of clay?
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Can you make clay out of the Golden Gate Bridge?


Is the golden gate bridge red?

because god make it!

Why golden gate bridge is red?

because god make it!

Whose idea was it to make the golden gate bridge?


What technology is used on the golden gate bridge?

If technology you mean "materials"that was used for the bridge, then I found a good answer on Yahoo! answers, just type in this: "What materials were used to make the golden gate bridge?" The question is answered by Horatio, and he had a pretty good answer.

How many pounds of steel was used to make the Golden Gate Bridge?

I weighs 98,000 tons

What steps did they take in building the Golden Gate Bridge?

It didn't take skill to build the Golden Gate Bridge its all about stability and really the blue prints to make sure everything was stable to drive on and walk on and make sure it was stable to the public just engineering experience.

Does the golden bridge have any secrets may you tell me them?

There are currently no secrets publicly available about the Golden Gate Bridge. Some may feel that its sheer size and presence in the area make it a magnet for secrets but these are typically not reveal to most.

What are the golden gate bridges materials?

The main materials used to make the Golden Gate Bridge were 75,293,000 kg of steel; two main cables, each made of 27,572 strands of wire; 600,000 rivets in each of the towers; and concrete.The steel was made in New Jersey, Maryland and Pennsylvania and shipped through the Panama Canal.

Why are dogs not allowed to walk across the Golden Gate Bridge and can they destroy the bridge?

Per the Golden Gate bridge website "Animals, including dogs and horses, which are being led, ridden or driven, with the exception of service animals, such as guide dogs, signal dogs and service dogs, are NOT allowed." It does not give any reason for this decision. There is a petition to allow dogs to ride in bicycle trailers across the Golden Gate Bridge, so they can make the ride down to Sausalito and back across the bay by ferry with you. The bridge is the only part of the loop that is off lilmits to dogs.

What is the red bridge called?

The "red bridge" in which location, there are many bridges painted red in the world. Please try and make your questions precise so that we know we are providing you with the answer you need. The most famous "red bridge" is perhaps the Golden Gate Bridge which spans San Fransisco bay.

How did the golden gate make or cost?

20 Million US Dollars