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through a process of many steps

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Q: How can water be treated?
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Can bromine treated water be mixed with chlorine treated water?

It is generally not recommended to mix bromine-treated water with chlorine-treated water as it can result in a chemical reaction that can produce harmful byproducts. It is best to use one type of sanitizer consistently in your water treatment system.

What is the difference between natural water and treated water?

the difference is that natrual water has not been treated and has nothing in it to make it taste the way it tastes but treated water on the other hand probaly has something in it like sugar or something else

The harm of water?

Treated tap water is not dangerous (If you do not get into it).

What is municipal water?

This is treated water (drinking water) distributed in a town.

How is waste water treated in NEW WATER?

they are treated with strong UV rays, then the good bacteria kills germs in it so it will be safe to drink.LOL :)

Do humans use treated water?


How is waste water treated in india?


What is the differences between viral and bacterial water-born disease?

The viral water-borne diseases cannot be treated by the antibiotics while the bacterial water-borne diseases can be treated by the antibiotics.

How is Storm water Treated?

Whom ever im answering this question to: Storm water is not treated it is simply dropped and without anyone messing with it , it becomes usable.

What kind of burn should be treated with slow running cold water or cold-pack?

All burns should be treated with either cold running water or an ice pack. Water is preferable.

Should water be treated before drinking it?

i guess

What is a service reservoir?

It is a reservoir that stores treated water.