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Wetlands can be protected by passing laws and promoting programs that help protect existing wetlands. In Michigan, under the Wetlands Protection Act, people are not allowed to drain, fill, or build on a wetland unless they receive a permit.

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10y ago
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11y ago

we can save wetlands in many ways.for instance we can clean the air, clean water , and chime in, help people understand the importance of wetlands by making websites, create signs and many other things.clearly, wetlands is an important resource and we should not make it disapper

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14y ago

we can save the wetland all over the world by recycling paper to plastic and much more.

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10y ago
  • By cleaning it up and not polluting it!
  • By making sure that water is not being illegally diverted from it!
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11y ago

You can save the wetlands by dumping a whole bunch of water all over it.....?

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less dumping waste into the water

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Dry them out

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Q: How can people help protect the wetlands?
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What people can do to support the continued preservation of wetland environments in the US?

People can help donate their time and money if possible to help preservation societies protect the wetlands. They can also quit polluting and not destroy the wetlands.

What you can do to help protect the wetlands?

by not trowing things in the floor

What can we do to help aquatic ecosystems and wetlands?

People are working to protect wetlands by trying to stop pollutants from being poured into the wet lands because if the wetlands receive to much pollutants the plants stop filtering the water and water with dangerous substnaces into bigger bodies of water. Also people are trying to stop building as many infastructures and buildings that drain/ get rid of all the wetlands and their space. Government also helps in this conflict by putting out laws that state no one must hurt the wetlands and if done, it is considered to be an oppresion.

What does the government do to help wetlands?

to protect restore and im not in the mood to finished the rest

How does wetlands help us?

Hope this helps! wetlands..... purify water, protect from flooding, provide habitats for animals, and soak up flood water.

How do you protect wetlands?

people are trying to stop building things that drain them or take up all their space.

How do wetlands protect shorelines from erosion?

Wetlands protect shorelines from erosion by acting as a buffer that absorbs wave energy and reduces the impact of currents. The plants and roots in wetlands also help to stabilize soil and prevent it from being washed away. Additionally, wetlands can trap sediment and build up land, further protecting shorelines from erosion.

Which international agreement was signed to protect these wetlands?

ramsar convection

How do wetlands protect the environment?

Lindsey Bluth campaigned for them to be protected

How you can protect alligator mississippiensis?

Ban all hunting, protect wetlands. But alligators number in the millions, and are in no danger.

Which international agreement was signed to protect wetlands?

Ramsar Wetland Convention

How is the destruction of coastal wetlands harmful to Mississippi?

The destruction of coastal wetlands in Mississippi is harmful because wetlands act as a natural buffer against storm surges and flooding, helping to protect coastal communities from the impacts of extreme weather events. Additionally, wetlands provide important habitat for diverse plant and animal species, and their destruction can lead to loss of biodiversity. Wetlands also help improve water quality by filtering and purifying water as it flows through them, which can be negatively impacted when wetlands are destroyed.