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This can be done by physically loading the pile by a test load which is 1.5 times the design load on the pile, or by other indirect methods like dynamic test methods.

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Q: How can check the capacity of pile foundation?
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Related questions

What is the minimum length of pile foundation?

its depend on the soil bearing capacity

What is allowable structural capacity of pile in pile load test?

allowable structural capacity

What is the formula for calculating volume of Bulb in the pile foundation?

concrete qty for bulb portion in pile foundation

How many types of foundation?

types of foundation....1. shallow foundation 2. deep foundation 3. pile foundation

Reason for using pile in civil engg?

Pile foundation is used in case 1. sandy soil or at the places where the safe bearing capacity of the soil is very low 2.The load to be transferred is very high n the foundation area is less 3.Area is earthquake prone 4.Area is waterborne or has water logging problem

Can you use pile foundation on existing foundation?

There are various reasons such as: 1) Its not possible because pile foundation are designed for 2) Particular life cycle and its specially depends on ground conditions of soil properties. 3) Pile foundation is one part of major foundation in construction where life cycle is required more with another reason are pile foundation is used for which type of structure its also important factor considering time of design. 4) One another major factor is settlement of existing pile foundation is in specific limits or not. Also so many reasons etc. Thanks & Regards HARSHAL.S.KHODE Deputy Manager (QA/QC)

Is pile foundation applicable only in soft soil?

It does not meant that pile foundation is only applicable for soft soils alone. For other type of soils it will not be much economical.

What do pile load tests determine?

In simple words, It basically determines the load bearing capacity of rock below the earth surface. If soil is weal enough that it can not support the load, then we bore below earth and find out rock location and conduct pile load testing to measure load bearing capacity. For example, pile foundation are provided are provided in highway bridge foundations if soil is weak...... Geotechnical Engineering.......

How do you prevent dampness in Pile foundation?

By placing a plastic vapor barrier before casting the foundation

How much a minimum distance form pile center to the edge of foundation be required?

1.5 times of dia of pile.

What is sbp in foundation?

It might be Short-board pile ;D

Why a pile raft foundation?

If the soil is so lose that it cant hold the building even with pile foundation. So, piled raft foundation is used which make the building to float like a boat. That obeys Archimedes' principle-it is buoyed up by the weight of the earth displaced in creating the foundation.