Sapphires, like any other mineral, may have faults or fractures, and along these imperfections disintegration may take place.
You place a block by right clicking on a spot while holding the block you want to place.
The Disintegration Loops was created in 1982.
The Disintegration Machine was created in 1929.
Yes, it is possible; disintegration is not considered a nuclear reaction.
The disintegration time of coated tablets is typically longer compared to uncoated tablets due to the additional layer of coating that needs to dissolve before the tablet can disintegrate. Coated tablets are designed to release the medication gradually over time, which can affect the disintegration process. Uncoated tablets, on the other hand, disintegrate more quickly as they do not have an additional barrier to dissolve. The specific disintegration times can vary depending on the formulation of the tablet and the conditions in which it is tested.
right click on the block in which you want to place the block
You need to take the stack and right click, which will only take one block from the stack to where you are pointing at.
Disintegration - I've album - was created on 2002-06-26.
buy one put it in place take a small pipe same circumference n tap it in place
A prefix is a part of a word that is placed at the beginning of another word. The prefix for disintegration is dis.