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To raise or lower ships passing through the Panama Canal (a similar process is applied to any kind of ships passing through any canal) we use "locks". You've seen diagrams of an "air lock" in a spacecraft; a chamber that the astronauts can enter, and air is added or removed, and then go through the other door. The original "locks" do the same thing, only with water.

A vessel enters the lock through the gate at one end. The gate is closed, and water is pumped into the lock. As the water level is raised, the ship is lifted. When the water in the lock matches the water level in the next leg of the canal, the other gate is opened, and the vessel exits the lock.

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Q: How are ships raised and lowered in Panama Canal?
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Why does the Panama Canal have locks but the Suez Canal does not?

Locks are only needed when the ships need to be raised and lowered in altitude because of the terrain the canal crosses.

Why must ships be raised and lowered in order to get through the panama canal?

The main channels that cross the mountains of Panama are well above sea level. Ships are raised to reach them, then lowered back down at the other end. To dig a sea-level canal would have required the removal of an impossibly large amount of rock.

What central america country has a canal that allows ships to travel between the atlantic and pacific oceans?

The Panama Canal allows ships to pass through south America to Central America or vice versa.

Where is Panama Canal situated what is its importance?

Panama. It moves ships across Panama.

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Panama Canal Locks which facilitates the crossing of the canal itself by ships .

When was thepanama canal opened to ships?

The Panama Canal opened in 1914.

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Which central american country is divided by a canal that allows ships to cross from the atlantic ocean to the pacific?

The country is Panama and the canal is the Panama Canal.

What caused the Panama Canal?

U.S. ships were tired of taking the long way to get to a certain place so they decided to build the panama canal :)

What cuts across isthmus in Central America?

The Panama Canal cuts across the isthmus in Central America, providing a shortcut for ships traveling between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.