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Sometimes they are Russian.....get it? =P

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Q: How are people like rivers?
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Where do rivers get there names from?

from the colonial name "the Broadway river".

Why don't some people like rivers?

because it is very easy to fall in like for instance I don't go near rivers because I fell in a very large one

What effect does africas rivers have on the land and the people?

Africas rivers affects both the land and the people because its brings crops and its a major water resource for people. If you dont like this answer den go fukk off

Where do the people of South Korea get their freshwater?

Rivers and wells, like most everyone else.

How do people get water from rivers?

People get water from rivers by carrying it by hand in buckets like many people in poor countries do, or by filtering it in a plant off of the river which then either bottles and ships the water or pipes it to peoples homes.

How do rivers impact people?

If river werent arond people would feel weird because lots of people like to fish. :p

What do you fell when you polluted the rivers?

We feel like the rivers are dirty. We feel like those people have no brain who wash clothes in the rivers. We feel like those people who don't know the river is dirty and us water for drinking and fall sick. If one of the water is polluted than environment is also getting polluted! We feel 'What happens future? We will be there OR alive? Is everything is polluted?'

How do rivers separate people?

They seprate people based on geography. Rivers sometimes divide lands and this separates people.

What are rivers for?

Rivers are a food and water supply for poor people.

What is the Orinoco used for?

Like all rivers it provides food, transportation and water for the people that live near it.

What are the rivers like in Portugal?

Usually wet and flowing, much like other rivers.

Do people have trasport in rainforests?

yes but not like ours like boats as taxies tp get across the rivers but still have cars with no roof. Amynrandles