According to the National Park's Historical Handbook: While Bedloe's Island, with an area of approximately 12 acres, is located in the Upper Bay of New York Harbor, it is geographically in the territorial waters of New Jersey. The island itself above the mean low-water mark is in New York State, pursuant to an interstate compact entered into by New Jersey and New York in 1834. The State of New Jersey retains the riparian rights to all the submerged land surrounding the statue and extending eastward to the normal interstate boundary line at the middle of the Hudson River Channel.
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Simply, the statue is IN the state of New Jersey.
Technically it's IN New Jersey, but New York has jurisdiction over the land.
Anyone who can read a map can clearly see that the island rests wholly within the territorial boundaries of NJ. So it is IN New Jersey. It also sits geographically closer to mainland NJ than to either Manhattan, Governor's Island, or Long Island (Brooklyn.)
However, a pact between the two states gave jurisdiction over all the islands in the harbor on the NJ side of the state line, up to the waterline, to NY. This is similar to US embassies or military bases overseas. The US has jurisdiction over, let's say, its' embassy in France. If you were at the embassy you would still say you are IN France. You would say you are on US soil IN France.
Hence, the Statue of Liberty is on NY soil IN the state of New Jersey. So you would have to say you're on NY land INthe State of New Jersey.
On another note; Ellis Island is made up of the original land mass and landfill that was added beyond the original water line of the original island. This landfill was added onto NJ territory. Hence, Ellis Island is made up of NY (original island) and NJ land (the added fill) IN the territorial waters of the state of New Jersey.
This is the year the statue of liberty was brought to America from France
the Statue of Liberty was dedicated on October 28, 1886
The Statue of Liberty is not on Ellis Island. Ellis Island is to the north of Liberty island where the Statue of liberty is located. It was dedicated on 28 October 1886.
The Statue of Liberty became a World Heritage site in 1984.
it was build in 1824
It arrived in 1885.
It was built in 1886
The French gave the statue of liberty to the US for the 100 year of independence. It is made of copper but is now green. And your an idiot.