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You said Over. this is not necessarily a complete crossing. Possibly we shoud give Princess Ann Saville (Loewenstein family) of the San Raphael expedition some credit, though she did not survive the mission- target was Canada launch site from England or Europe. same year, l927.

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Q: First woman to fly a plane solo across Atlantic ocean in 1932?
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Which Kansas woman was the first female to fly her plane solo across the Atlantic Ocean?

Amelia Mary Earhart was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.

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She got in a plane and rode/planed across it

First woman to fly a plane solo across the Atlantic ocean in 1932?

Amelia Earhart

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Charles Lindbergh flew across the Atlantic ocean (New York to Paris) On May 20-21 1927. The plane was the Spirit of St. Louis

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she did it with a plane.

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i think it is about 3 hours

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Charles Lindbergh flew in the Spirit of St. Louis and became the first to cross the Atlantic. The plane today is in the air and space museum in Washington DC.

What famous plane did Charles lindberg flew across the antlantic ocean?

Charles Lindbergh's plane, Spirit of St. Louis, is nearly as famous as he is. This is the plane he flew non-stop across the Atlantic Ocean in 1927.

How did Charles Lindbergh?

Charles Lindbergh was a pilot and was the first to fly across the Atlantic Ocean solo in a plane named The Spirit Of St. Louis.

How did Charles Lindbergh change America?

He was the first person to fly a plane solo across the Atlantic ocean and struck inspiration into the heats of Americans.