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A drainage basin is an extent or area of land where water from rain and melting snow or ice drains downhill into a body of water, such as a river, lake, reservoir, estuary, wetland, sea or ocean.

A drainage divide is the line separating neighbouring drainage basins (catchments).

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Drainage basin drains into a lake or ocean.

Divide runs along high mountains.

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Q: Explain the difference between a drainage basin and a drainage divide?
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What is the difference detween divide and watershed?

There is actually no difference between a divide and a watershed. Both divides and watersheds are lines implemented to designate the separation between drainage basins.

What is the high ground between two drainage basins called?

a drainage divide

What is the high ground between drainage basins called?

The area between drainage basins is called a watershed divide or a water parting. It marks the boundary where water flows in different directions to separate one drainage basin from another.

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The noun divide is an abstract noun as a word for an important difference or disagreement between two people or groups.The noun divide is a concrete noun as a word for a dividing ridge of between drainage areas, a ridge of land.The abstract noun forms for the verb to divide are divider, division, and the gerund, dividing.

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The numerator is what you are going divide with, while the denominator is what you are going to divide by. Example: You want to divide 2 by 4. So, 2/4. 2 is what you are going to divide with, so it will be the numerator. 4 is what you want to divide by, so it will be the denominator.

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What is the difference between divide and watershed?

i have on clue

What is the dividing line between Atlantic and pacific?

Continental Divide is the drainage that divides sea or ocean. The Great Divide or the Continental Divide of the Americas is the division of the Pacific Ocean watersheds from the Atlantic and Arctic.

How are a divide and a drainage basin related?

they have land

Drainage basins are separated from each other by an area of higher ground called a?

Drainage basins are separated from each other by an area of higher ground called a divide. This divide helps to direct water within a specific drainage basin, preventing water from flowing into neighboring basins.

What is the imaginary line called which separates one drainage basin?

A divide.