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I would think that it would be pretty disasterous, seeing as dynamite would destroy the coral and the surrounding area if thrown in that general direction. If coral died, then the whole ecosytem that lives and centres around coral would collapse. However, many stcks of dynamite don't land in water with enough force to submerge and then explode, like in deep water. But generally, dynamite fishing is bad and dangerous.

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Q: Effect of dynamite fishing to corals and their habitat?
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What is the effect of dynamite fishing and muro ami on the productivity of corals?

dynamite fishing and muro ami can destroy corals so if there are less corals, less corals will be produced.

What are the practices that cause destruction to corals reefs?

dynamite fishing.

What are the effects of dynamite fishing in atmosphere?

Effects Of Dynamite Fishing:Dynamiting fish kills other things in lakes or oceans.Dynamite fishing or blast fishing is the practice of using explosives to stun or kill schools of fish for easy collection. It is illegal in many jurisdictions and can be extremely destructive to the surrounding ecosystem, as the explosion often destroys the underlying habitat such as coral reefs that supports the fish.It blows up the fishes,it destroys the corals in the sea, it kills fishes,it poisons all leaving animals under the sea and it poisons the water.

What are some human activities that destroy coral reefs?

Numerous reasons,Run off from farmland and silt in river deltas can blanket the polyps, robbing them of sunlight and ability to filter feed.Dynamite fishing ,for obvious reasons.Beam trawling for fish dragging huge lumps of steel over the coral.Acidification of the oceans as CO2 levels increase in sea water dissolving the limestone.Warming of the oceans killing the delicate polyps.there are more but these are some of the worst.Boats, overfishing, pollution

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Coral reefs are dying because of the pollution in our oceans.

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it lived among corals e.g: a coral reef

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Corals live in tropical waters inside coral reefs.

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Different Activities that Disturbed Ecosystem such as mining,destroying habitat of animals,Collecting different species of corals, Using probihited dynamite,calamities,overpupulation... THATS ALL! -nicole cabrera grade 6 pupil of Valeriano Fugoso Memorial School...

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You destroy corals when doing that. The only good it does is for the person doing the muro-ami fishing. You destroy the homes of fishes and kill most of their young.

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Warm-temperate waters. Close to the corals, seabed, inshore, offshore.i think that it is the ocean and hawiian ilands

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